🐸Ranas Chidas

Collection of 1234 NFTs frogs hand drawn by my 11 years old niece and my younger sister. Ranas chidas is inspired by variety and beauty of frogs, gradients bodies are the more poison ones.

As all of our projects we have defined percentages to split the earnings and accomplish our goals and are:

  • 35% Team

  • 15% ICE liquidity

  • 10% Donations

  • 15% Community wallet

  • 25% Artists

The collection has some special ranas hidden, we got several 1/1 collabs made with other amazing polygon creators and some metal ranas that will give free MATIC to the holders once minted.

We like doing price increases through the minting so OG can enter with cheap prices and benefit with the prices increases, with every price increase we will do a raffle, each time higher as the earnings increase and are as shown:

200 Mints

Price 4 MATIC

Raffle of 20 MATIC

400 Mints

Price 5 MATIC

Raffle of 40 MATIC

600 Mints

Price 6 MATIC

Raffle of 60 MATIC

800 Mints

Price 7 MATIC

Raffle of 80 MATIC

1000 Mints

Price 8 MATIC

Raffle of 100 MATIC

1200 Mints

Price 9 MATIC

Raffle of 120 MATIC

Ice earning:

  • 1 NFT, ranas owners role, acces to NFT holders raffle, access to monthly airdrop

  • 2 NFT, huevitos de rana role, /brincos 1 🧊 every 6 hours

  • 6 NFT, renacuajos role, /brincos 3 🧊 every 6 hours

  • 11 NFT, ranas chidas role, /brincos 6 🧊 every 6 hours

Airdrop Collection:

We got a monthly airdrop that we send to all the owners of ranas chidas, its a 1/1 NFT mostly about seasonal topics drawn by the artist. https://opensea.io/collection/ranas-chidas-drops


Last updated